
Early Reading

At St. George’s, the school’s approach to early reading and synthetic phonics is systematic and ensures all learners learn to read words and sentences.  We follow Little Wandle Letters & Sounds and deliver this through whole-class teaching, where lessons are matched specifically to all children’s needs. Through our teaching, we aim for automaticity so children are skilled at word reading, in preparation for comprehension.


We teach the skills of reading and the enjoyment of reading through whole-class reading lessons. The purpose of these lessons are to teach the skills involved in being a good reader. High-quality texts, such as Ghost Boys, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane and The Boy at the Back of the Class.

Reading for Pleasure

We understand that reading feeds pupil’s imagination and allows our children to wonder and be curious. Reading for pleasure is built into the daily life of the school so children establish and appreciate a love of reading, and gain knowledge across the curriculum. This exposes children to an increasing range of vocabulary. 



Talk-for-Writing is used as the framework to teach writing across school. Based on the principles of how children learn, children analyse and play with language that they will need for writing. Pupils develop their competencies in transcription and composition so they can plan, revise and evaluate their writing. We teach our children to write as a reader by forming, articulating and communicating their ideas as if they were a reader.


Writing down ideas fluently requires the ability to spell quickly.  The progression of spelling is aligned to the National Curriculum. This focusses on the teaching of spelling, embracing knowledge of spelling conventions, patterns, rules and common exceptions so the children of St. George’s are able to spell quickly.


At St. George’s, we teach children how to write legibly, fluently and at a reasonable speed. To do this, we use Nelson Handwriting. Nelson Handwriting provides a clear structure on the technical aspects of writing and are taught in purposeful and curriculum-relevant contexts, principally in the areas of phonics, spelling, punctuation and vocabulary.

Curriculum Maps

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Early Reading

At St. George’s, the school’s approach to early reading and synthetic phonics is systematic and ensures all learners learn to read words and sentences.  We follow Little Wandle Letters & Sounds and deliver this through whole-class teaching, where lessons are matched specifically to all children’s needs. Through our teaching, we aim for automaticity so children are skilled at word reading, in preparation for comprehension.


We teach the skills of reading and the enjoyment of reading through whole-class reading lessons. The purpose of these lessons are to teach the skills involved in being a good reader. High-quality texts, such as Ghost Boys, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane and The Boy at the Back of the Class.

Reading for Pleasure

We understand that reading feeds pupil’s imagination and allows our children to wonder and be curious. Reading for pleasure is built into the daily life of the school so children establish and appreciate a love of reading, and gain knowledge across the curriculum. This exposes children to an increasing range of vocabulary. 



Talk-for-Writing is used as the framework to teach writing across school. Based on the principles of how children learn, children analyse and play with language that they will need for writing. Pupils develop their competencies in transcription and composition so they can plan, revise and evaluate their writing. We teach our children to write as a reader by forming, articulating and communicating their ideas as if they were a reader.


Writing down ideas fluently requires the ability to spell quickly.  The progression of spelling is aligned to the National Curriculum. This focusses on the teaching of spelling, embracing knowledge of spelling conventions, patterns, rules and common exceptions so the children of St. George’s are able to spell quickly.


At St. George’s, we teach children how to write legibly, fluently and at a reasonable speed. To do this, we use Nelson Handwriting. Nelson Handwriting provides a clear structure on the technical aspects of writing and are taught in purposeful and curriculum-relevant contexts, principally in the areas of phonics, spelling, punctuation and vocabulary.

Curriculum Maps

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Early Reading

At St. George’s, the school’s approach to early reading and synthetic phonics is systematic and ensures all learners learn to read words and sentences.  We follow Little Wandle Letters & Sounds and deliver this through whole-class teaching, where lessons are matched specifically to all children’s needs. Through our teaching, we aim for automaticity so children are skilled at word reading, in preparation for comprehension.


We teach the skills of reading and the enjoyment of reading through whole-class reading lessons. The purpose of these lessons are to teach the skills involved in being a good reader. High-quality texts, such as Ghost Boys, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane and The Boy at the Back of the Class.

Reading for Pleasure

We understand that reading feeds pupil’s imagination and allows our children to wonder and be curious. Reading for pleasure is built into the daily life of the school so children establish and appreciate a love of reading, and gain knowledge across the curriculum. This exposes children to an increasing range of vocabulary. 



Talk-for-Writing is used as the framework to teach writing across school. Based on the principles of how children learn, children analyse and play with language that they will need for writing. Pupils develop their competencies in transcription and composition so they can plan, revise and evaluate their writing. We teach our children to write as a reader by forming, articulating and communicating their ideas as if they were a reader.


Writing down ideas fluently requires the ability to spell quickly.  The progression of spelling is aligned to the National Curriculum. This focusses on the teaching of spelling, embracing knowledge of spelling conventions, patterns, rules and common exceptions so the children of St. George’s are able to spell quickly.


At St. George’s, we teach children how to write legibly, fluently and at a reasonable speed. To do this, we use Nelson Handwriting. Nelson Handwriting provides a clear structure on the technical aspects of writing and are taught in purposeful and curriculum-relevant contexts, principally in the areas of phonics, spelling, punctuation and vocabulary.

Curriculum Maps

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